Road Transport Inclusion In The New Multi-Modal Investigation Agency Worthy Of Consideration

By Ariyo Akinfenwa

Recently, the National Assembly (Senate and House of Representatives) of the country passed a bill approving the upgrade of the act establishing the Accident Investigation Bureau of Nigeria (AIB-N), an agency in charge of only aircraft accidents and incidents investigation and prevention; which is awaiting the assent of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari.


The repealed act has expanded the scope of the AIB-N to metamorphosed into Nigerian Safety Investigation Bureau (NSIB which will include Maritime and Rail sectors, leaving the Road sector out is a concern, especially with the knowledge that all transport sectors (Air, Maritime, Rail and Road) were meant to be in the new multi-modal agency at proposal stage.


The Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer of AIB-N, Engr. Akin Olateru reeling out the relevance of the new agency to all transport said: “The NSIB would reinforce safety in all modes of transportation in Nigeria through distinctive, efficient and effective investigations of accidents and serious incidents involving any of the modes of transportation within Nigeria or anywhere else Nigeria’s interest is affected.


“The NSIB will determine the probable causes of accidents and serious incident occurrences in transportation and publish safety recommendations to operators, regulators and others, which would help prevent the recurring of similar occurrences, therefore, improving the safety of transportation in Nigeria.” Should road transport system not be a beneficiary of this?


Someone who was in the know of the inclusion of the maritime, rail and road during the draft of the upgraded agency said they were advised to drop road transportation and he did not give reason why it was so. No matter the reasons, stakeholders involved in the whole idea should think corporate rather than interests. The multi-modal investigation agency is one major step the country has taken and no transport sector should be left behind, especially the road.


Road accidents and incidents deserve the attention given to air transport sector as well. The frequency of auto accidents on our roads demands rap attention where safety recommendations to stakeholders such as the Federal Roads Safety Corps (FRSC); National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW); truck drivers; manufacturers among other stakeholders is crucial to reduction of frequencies.


It is not news that accidents and incidents happening in the road transportation is worrisome as proper coordination has not been given to the sector that record accidents than any other transport sector in the country and globally.


Another voice said there can always be amendment to the act and it can always go back to the National Assembly because the act upgrading the agency is not cast in stone.


With this in mind, all concerned should look holistically at the inclusion of road transport accidents and incidents investigation in the new upgrade which is all-inclusive.


There is also reason of cost cut. Instead of setting up another agency that will look into the road accidents which has been neglected over the year, players should have a rethink. Wisdom should prevail!



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