First African Multi-Modal Accident And Incident Investigation Of Aircraft, Rail And Maritime Body Berths In Nigeria

...Country’s Legislature Passes Bill

...Awaits President’s Assent

...Olateru Lauds Sirika’s Diligence


Nigeria asserts its leadership in Africa as the first country to establish a multi-modal accident investigation body named Nigerian Safety Investigation Bureau (NSIB). This come to materiality as the country’s National Assembly, the Senate and the House of Representatives pass the act establishing the agency into law.


On the receipt of the assent of President Muhammadu Buhari, the President of the Republic of Nigeria, the current Accident Investigation Bureau, Nigeria (AIB-N) in charge of aircraft accident and incident investigation will metamorphose into the new  Nigerian Safety Investigation Bureau (NSIB) with wider scope into rail and maritime activities.


Engr. Akin Olateru, the Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer of AIB

Engr. Akin Olateru, the Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer of AIB stated that the establishment of the NSIB is a good development and will be of great benefits to all Nigerians as it would provide adequate legal and institutional framework for the regulation and administration of safety transportation occurrences in Nigeria. Also,The establishment of the NSIB will put Nigeria at the top in Africa as regards transportation accident investigation with the country becoming the first to have such agency in the continent and it is happening under the visionary guidance and leadership of the Minister of Aviation, Senator Hadi Sirika.


“The NSIB would reinforce safety in all modes of transportation in Nigeria through distinctive, efficient and effective investigations of accidents and serious incidents involving any of the mode of transportation within Nigeria or anywhere else Nigeria’s interest is affected,” he said.  “The NSIB will determine the probable causes of accidents and serious incident occurrences in transportation and publish safety recommendations to operators, regulators and others, which would help prevent the recurring of similar occurrences, therefore, improving safety of transportation in Nigeria”. 


“I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the Honourable Minister of Aviation and you all, my wonderful dedicated AIB team. Thank you for your patience, hard work, perseverance and dedication to this cause,” his words. “Thank you for revising, reviewing, editing and committing tirelessly to getting the bill prepared. Our efforts have been justly rewarded with success, and I appreciate each and every one of you.”


Tunji Oketunmbi, the General Manager, Public Affairs commented: “Enlarging the operations of AIB into a multimodal agency was one of the cardinal programmes of Engr. Akin Olateru when he assumed office as the fourth Commissioner/CEO of AIB in 2017 and it is with the strong backing and diligent pursuit of the Honourable Minister of Aviation, Sen Hadi Sirika, the initiative got Federal Executive Council approval and passed through the Ministry of Justice before landing at the National Assembly. The National Assembly then conducted open public hearings where all stakeholders made their inputs.


“AIB-N through its rigorous investigations, reports and safety recommendations has greatly improved the safety of air travel in the country, with the industry recording only one fatal occurrence since 2015,”Oketunmbi commented. “Besides transforming AIB-N into a formidable and respected agency globally, this is one of the indelible marks Olateru will be leaving behind as the chief executive of the agency he took from relative obscurity to a key player in the global aviation industry.”


Reacting to the news of the passage of the bill, the Commissioner of Banjul Accord Group Accident Investigation Agency (BAGAIA), Engr. Charles Erhue said “this is a great feat to the AIB family and to the Banjul Accord Group (BAG) region. I wish to congratulate the Hon. Commissioner and entire AIB Management team with the support of every staff who has committed time and resources in one way or the other to make this a huge success.”



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